Keeta Puppies, Days 1 and 2 - August 12-13th, 2007

Page last updated: 7/13/2016 4:38:55 PM
  • Photo ©Jay Ohman
  • Photo ©Jay Ohman
  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman
  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman
Photo ©Nancy Ohman

Days 1 and 2

When the pups are born, their eyes are closed tight and some have their ears folded back from fetus stage. By the second day, the ears are mostly forward and any remaining umbilical cord has dried and fallen off. From birth, the pups are able to belly crawl around, which they'll do in a circle until they find Keeta. After finding Keeta, they will sniff around until they find an open teat for milk. They make the cutest little quick grunts while trying to find milk.

When Keeta goes outside, she does her duty very quick then trots back to the house to be let back in right away. Keeta is tolerating Nina around the litter as long as Keeta is tending the litter. But if Keeta is up from the bed, Nina is quickly cut off passage by Keeta if she tries to go near the litter.

Nina is curious about the litter, what is that making those little grunts and squeaks? But if I put a pup near Nina she will back away. I put a pup on Nina's paw and Nina jumped away not wanting the thing touching her!

Keeta is constantly keeping the bed and pups as clean as possible. She will lick the puppies bellies triggering urination which Keeta will lap up so as not to spoil the bed. Any defication is also quickly lapped. Despite Keeta's best efforts, we still need to change the bed at least twice a day. The washing machine has been getting a major work-out!

  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman
  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman
  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman
  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman