Keeta Puppies, Days 3 and 4 - August 14-15th, 2007

Page last updated: 7/13/2016 4:38:55 PM
Photo ©Nancy Ohman

Days 3 and 4

We have been busy with work the last couple days, it's tough to find the time to take some pictures... and get the K9 website up to date.

On Day 2 Nancy took the pups to the vet to have their dew claws removed and checked over. The vet gave all the dogs, including Keeta, a clean bill of health!

Keeta wasn't liking at all having the puppy bed in the family room. So she woulld come into the office area by us and start scratching at the carpeting, trying to fluff it up for a new puppy bed. We became tired of stopping her from fluffing the carpeting, so we gave in and created a second puppy bed under a spare desk in the office area.

For the last couple nights, Nancy has been trying to sleep in the family room next to the puppy bed. Upon occasion, a pup will get stuck behind Keeta and start squealing. Keeta seems a little oblivious to the plight of the stuck pup, so sometimes we'll respond before the pup gets too stressed.

Photo ©Nancy Ohman

Nancy has reported that Keeta seems to stay awake all night, lightly panting most of the time. During the day, it seems Keeta almost never sleeps. It seems Keeta will doze for about 15 minutes, it's easy to tell because she has been snoring while sleeping.

Keeta has been excellent about tolerating strange people around her litter. If I hand a pup to someone, Keeta will keep a steady eye on the pup. She is fine with people petting her or pups while they are in the bed. Tonight we are tying Keeta's bed in the bedroom with us. We'll see how that goes....

With assistance of several people, in particular Lara and Bobbie, we have nick-named all the pups:
1) Butch; 2) Tara; 3) Casper; 4) Brett; 5) Moose; 6) Spike.

Nothing to do with puppies...

This morning we had a large flock of turkeys come through the yard, at least 24 in the flock.
The picture at right is just begging for a better title!

  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman
  • Photo ©Nancy Ohman